Friday, January 29, 2010

Bloggers Cramp

OK, do all you bloggers ever get Bloggers Cramp? I am not sure how to write something everyday?!?! Things have become routine and who wants to read about routine? Just wondering.


  1. WE do! Having lived in another country, we know that life settles into a routine, but people following the journey from elsewhere really like to know. Thank you for the informative messages! Liz

  2. I laugh every time I read one of you kids blogs! Life may be routine to you all but you are in a foreign country and I love hearing about the daily stuff since it is so different from the states! Keep the blogs coming, I don't think I am the only one who can't wait to read a blog every day!

  3. Yes! I read them daily also. Love the photos too. Take a picture of your breakfast, lunch & dinner. :)

    It's Friday afternoon here, and there is an event at the Ham. Co. fairgrounds this weekend called "World Fair". It's put on by kids from the Y. They decorate booths from countries around the world, and have food sampling, a craft, and other info. I'm going to look for the Ukraine! ;)

    Praying that the Interpol has an earlier approval date than anticipated. Love,
    Jan(for all)

  4. Every day, the first thing Doyle asks when he gets home is, "Have you checked the blog?" Yes, we look forward to reading your blog each day. Nothing about what you're doing seems routine to us, so keep writing. We do enjoy the pictures and there are some in our family who would love to see a detailed picture of the McDonalds restaurant in the Ukraine!

  5. Fear not! Writer's cramp will fade but not the memories being built. I've enjoyed following the notes and Anna has as well.

    Take care!
