Thursday, January 21, 2010

From jessi

Right now its 8:43pm and I’m really tired. They have a lot of snow and ice here. As I type, there’s a car stuck in the ice outside our apartment. In a day, there are at least 10 or more cars that get stuck on our street; they aren’t there for a while though. Apparently our street is one of the worst. Only the brave ones drive on it. The snow never melts here because the sun never shines. And when it does it only hits the tops of the tall buildings. It doesn’t get into the streets. There is literally like 3 inches of ice just sitting on the side roads and on parts of the sidewalks around here. It’s REALLY slick. It’s also really cold! Today we think the temperature was -10°C. Dad said that’s about 14°F. That doesn’t sound cold, but if you experienced it you would think differently.
It’s funny to think back on to Indiana and all of you guys and think that it’s only early afternoon for you. We are about to go to bed as you are enjoying your afternoon. It’s funny, hen we get up you guys have just been asleep for a few hours. I was amazed at how easy it was to transition into the time zone. We just had to stay up late the first night and then we would be on the schedule.
Tomorrow I am hoping to do some shopping, but I’m not getting my hopes up too high because we’ve heard that the prices are extremely high here in Kiev. I think I might have to wait until Cherkassy. We heard that they have Ugg boots that are only $75!! I am really hoping for a pair, but mom doesn’t seem to think the same. That’s all I’m going to write for tonight! Keep praying!

1 comment:

  1. You know, Jess, you can get boots that look like Uggs here in America for around $25...sorry. Yeah, you should wait til you are out of Kiev to purchase souvenirs. I totally understand that 14 degrees F. is COLD! We are finally up to 30 during the day but a month ago 14 was warm. I'm glad to hear you are all enjoying this trip. We are praying that all goes well for you. I do miss you and Becca arguing on FB. Come home soon... I miss you!!
    Love you all,
    Aunt Cher
