Thursday, February 4, 2010


Thursday… Our facilitator and his boss are both in town and brought
us the latest news on the biggest curve ball. Last July, the Ukrainian gov’t passed a law saying that before a final court date could be given to anyone filing for an international adoption, an Interpol background check must be done. It seems that, as of the first of the year, they began enforcing this law. The problem is, that Interpol only does criminal checks, not background checks, so they don’t know how to deal with the requests that are being sent to them from Ukraine. So the SDA (State Department of Adoption) cannot fulfill this piece of the law/process. Anyone that is this far in the process of adopting doesn’t have a criminal background and has already had background checks done by the immigration folks in the US. So the issue seems to be that the government here needs to figure out what they are going to do to uphold that law. Ukraine also has their presidential election Feb.7. The incumbent was defeated in the primaries so there will be a change of leadership here as well.
What this means for us is that we cannot have a final court date because the judge will not have all the proper paperwork from the SDA (that is, the Interpol document has not been completed). Our facilitators are in daily conversations with the SDA and have not yet heard what the solution to this situation will be. The time frame for a solution is unknown. So, we will have a preliminary court appearance on Friday. This will let the court see all but the lacking documentation as stated above. When the Interpol document situation is resolved, we head back to court for the final resolution.
On Saturday we are headed to Germany. We were hoping that the ten day appeal period would be in-process and then I would return to Ukraine while Mike and the girls head home but, at this point it isn’t going to happen that way. We will go enjoy the Burnett’s and Germany and wait for word of a resolution. If nothing resolves by the 15, I will fly home with the family…but without the boys. Mike and I will have to come back when this all gets figured out.
The losers in all this are the children. There are about 60 families in the country, at some point in this adoption process, that are being impacted by this curve ball. Each of those families represent at least one child, perhaps 2-3. We have all had a great time interacting and bonding with the children. They are asking, ‘when do we fly home?’ and
we have no answers for them. The idea of flying home without them is disappointing and heart breaking.
BUT…God is still God and we will trust Him in it all. Sometimes life just doesn’t make sense.


  1. Hi Guys,

    I read your post after my morning devotions and the Lord asked me to quote a passage for you...

    "Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God.
    And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
    Romans 5 (1-5)

    My prayers are still that God will grant an expedient resolution, but we can all be assured that God has a plan in all of this.
    I will praise HIM in the storms!


  2. Our small group bible study will meet tonight and we will be studying Psalms. 62 to be exact. David wrote this one. He talks of resting in God's strength as then nothing can shake us. David speaks of God being our rock and fortress. We will be praying for you and miss you and love you very much. I love reading the blog and try to picture the descriptions it sounds so very interesting.
    We are cheering for the Colts. There is lots of excitement buzzing around, and lots of BLUE.

    Take care. Judi

  3. That is so disappointing. :( I'm glad to know that such faithful people like you guys are going through this, because I'm not sure how "God-like" my reaction would be. Like I said, I continue to pray for you!

  4. I will chime in too, as two verses come to mind:

    Isaiah 55:9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than Your thoughts."


    Proverbs 21:1 "The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases."

    God must have some even greater plans...Keep trusting. We'll keep praying.

    Love & prayers, The Eyster's

  5. As this is truly disappointing, we have a HUGE God who can do anything. Linda and I will pray along with you and many others, that God will show His might and His strength. Miracles occur when things are impossible. Please know that we truly are praying and believing that God is in control over curve balls, governments, situations, and time tables. We pray that He sill show His glory and make a way for all of this to happen.
    Bob and Linda

  6. I am sorry. After thinking about it, several verses came to mind. Here are a couple:

    "In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it." John 1:4-5

    "In Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." John 14:27

    Stand firm.

  7. You have huge prayer support here in the states with all of your friends and family! I do hope you all feel the prayers of many for you all and a peace that only can come from the Lord!
    Thank you for updating us and enjoy Germany!

  8. I am so sorry that you all, you and your boys, are having to go through this time of uncertainty, but I am encouraged with your words, "But God is still God and we will trust Him in it all." That statement is almost an exact quote of Psalm 31:14, (NASB) and verse 15 goes on to say, "My times are in Your hand; Deliver me from the hand of my enemies and from those who persecute me."

    You are so right that sometimes life just doesn't make sense. I guess that's when the "rubber meets the road" in our walk of faith. We continue to pray for all of you and for this situation, believing that God is going to intervene in a mighty way!! We love you all and are so looking forward to meeting our new nephews!

    Be blessed! Love and prayers from the Celina Fledderjohanns.

  9. Well.

    What a rotten convergence of laws and timing and elections--with families and children losing out.

    I'll let these other wonderful comments serve as solid truth for you without adding to them. Their words are so good. Know that we are listening (reading) and praying during this complicated, confusing, and disappointing time.

    With love,

  10. We are sad to learn of your current situation. Know that we will pray tonight for each of you and how it has impacted you and your faith.

    We send our love,
    Susan and Rebecca

  11. Remember I told you that you would be praying like crazy to get to Ukraine - then praying like crazy to get home??? I am praying this next week brings some resolution for all of you. I am glad to hear there are no problems with the boys though - that is a blessing. This will only be a part of their story someday... :) God Bless.
