Monday, February 22, 2010

Tools for the day.

Since I cannot show a picture of Garrett, I will show you what we get to play with during our daily visit. This grouping of toys has pretty much kept us busy for the past nine days. The Play-doh is a favorite as are the paper airplanes (the most recent addition to our antics). He consistently defeats me at the memory game. Oh, those young brains are to be enjoyed!!,


  1. Doris,
    Was gone this weekend on a BSF retreat in Louisville, it was amazing. The speaker taught on Revelations. Quite powerful! Loved catching up on your blogs. Wow, you are coming down to the final details until you all come home! Will continue to pray that all will go smoothly. Can't wait to see you and the boys! Love the pictues!

  2. Thanks, Doris, for keeping us updated and for the interesting pictures and descriptions.

    Keeping you and the boys in our prayers, Julie
