Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Lord is Faithful

The Lord is faithful, we praise His name!

The girls made it to Frankfurt without a hitch. When we loaded them into the van yesterday morning, we were unsure of the road conditions between here and Kiev. We have had 12-15 inches of snow in recent days. Clearing off the roadways is not an efficient (much less, effective) process. We had allowed extra time due to that but it was not needed.

Our facilitator, who was returning to Kiev for the weekend, got them through to the security check and from there they followed the crowd. They do have a phone so we were within a few punches. I believe this experience for the girls will be a confidence builder for other unknown experiences. We talked with them last evening and they were happy to be someplace that felt more like home.

We saw the little guy (“Mr. A”) yesterday. We explained where the girls were using hand motions. It seemed to register. Now the challenge is for Mike and I to interact with the boys without the benefit of having the girls there. We played match game and then hide-n-seek using a small object. The Helton’s and their boys played with us also and that made it a lot of fun. Oh how these boys love to be physically active. We get the sense that they are kept on pretty short leashes as far as being “boys”. We have been told several times to not let them run around and get sweaty. They are concerned they will get sick. Our little guy always has on three layers on top and two on the bottom. The rooms are not cold; but, I believe it is their culture. We take off layers as appropriate. He seems to be aware that sweat is not a good thing because he tries to dry his hair using any type of fabric. (It should be apparent that Mr. A is “all boy”, so to speak.)

It is presidential Election Day in Ukraine. I am looking forward to see what we can observe. We have noticed signs, tents with campaign workers at bus stops, and large banners on buildings. This current governmental format has only been in place since 1991. Undoing the mind set of communist Russia is a long ordeal. The male candidate is expected to defeat the female candidate (“Princess Leia” because of her hair-do). Results may not be available until mid-week.

The apartment is very quiet. Yesterday it felt like some of the life had walked out of the door with our three teenage girls; but, we are adjusting. We actually have places to sit in the living room without having to move gear. The bathroom is more accessible in the morning (but, of course, we would trade all that for their presence). Even the Helton’s felt the absence. We are thankful to have had the girls here.

Now we wait…..Hope to see the older boy today, but haven’t heard if a taxi has been arranged.


  1. It was good to hear how you're doing as pre-empty-nest--emptynesters. We do pray for you and believe that these times are for reasons we don't necessarily understand--but there's nothing wasted in God's economy. LF

  2. I'm glad the girls made it safely and the adults are adjusting. All of you have a lot to be thankful for!
    Only God knows what is going on and He is the divine weaver. On this side of heaven, we only see the underside of the canvas He is weaving. God sees the upperside and the beautiful pattern He is weaving for the Aldernink Family. Some day God will unroll the canvas and you will see the beauty He had been making all along! (Borrowed from poem "The Divine Weaver", author unknown)

  3. Thanks for all your encouragement. Mike and I have decided to enjoy this time together, amidst the frustration of the circumstances. How often do we get time together with so few responsibilities!!

  4. I'm so late catching up with your posts that I'm having to back-fill some of the story. The adventure got even more adventurous for the girls!

    The energy of teens left for you to enjoy a pause before the energy increases X 2!!
