Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"Ground Hogs Day" is over!

Do you remember the Bill Murry movie "Ground Hogs Day", where he lived the same
day over and over? The Helton's and I have been living our own version for the past ten days. We get up at the same time, eat the same breakfast, walk the same icy/slushy roads, visit the same kids, eat dinner out at the same restaurants (those with English menus), and then retire to the same apartment for either a movie or the Olympics (in Ukrainian). I am grateful to say, the appeal period is over!!! We have the court documents so we are progressing through getting the appropriate paperwork necessary to take the boys to the states. Lord willing we will be on our way to Kiev this evening with boys in tow. The vehicle will have four parents and six boys plus Viktor our facilitator. Think that might be a noisy ride?? The Thomas' are already in Kiev with their two children.
Once in Kiev the boys will have a medical check-up. We take that to the US Embassy and submit the final paperwork for visas. This should all be done so we can fly out on Friday. Thankfully the Lufthansa strike has been postponed for two weeks so that will not impact us.
I am ready to introduce Mitchell and Garrett to our life in Indiana. It will be a good life!!
Thanks for your words of encouragement and your prayers. Their impact is immeasurable.
Rejoicing in the faithfulness of our Heavenly Father!!


  1. Rejoicing with you!! Have a blessed trip home!

  2. Amen! Your note brings a couple tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing your family's journey of a lifetime with all of us!

  3. So very excited for you that this part of your journey has ended and a new journey begins when you get home! God is good! Enjoy the your time left in the Ukraine! Can't wait to see you!

  4. So exciting! Thank the Lord for the delayed air strike, and for things finally going as planned.

    Safe journey to you all, and when you get settled we'll get together..."back home again...in Indiana.."

  5. Well, this is old news now, but I did love the Groundhog Day reference. It helps us imagine your days.
