Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Reflection

It must be human nature to remember the worst situation rather then the ones that are just “normal”. You can go through a day and have people provide good, even excellent service and you don’t recall their names or positions, but have a bad experience and you will have that in your memory box for years to come. We had one of those days Tuesday. Viktor, our facilitator, enlisted the help of many fine Ukrainian civil servants to get our final adoption paperwork through the system. He had them lined up and willing to stay over until the job was completed. Due to their kind consideration, three families got their paperwork all done, in one day, up to the point of going to the regional office for our passports. We arrived at the office at 5:15. The lady in charge knew we needed six and had them there, yet, when we arrived she was out of the office at a party. We waited for almost five hours to get the passports. She arrived all dressed up from her partying a little tipsy. Let’s just say it left a bad taste in our mouths. Thus my reflection of human nature; all those folks that enabled us to achieve our goal will be forgotten, but the one that created a mess will be remembered.

A Reflection

The hallway we spent close to five hours in waiting for the passports.

The facilities available to us while we waited..waited..waited.

1 comment:

  1. are so right, too, about our tendency to remember the bad incidents and forget the smooth, good experiences. So sad.

    And I'm sure you'd *like* to forget that dismal hallway and questionable toilet.
