Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A little story

Hey everyone this is Ellen I know I said that Mom would be the only one to blog from now on but I thought you guys would like to here a story
About two weeks ago things were looking really bleak It was looking like we would have to all leave well I felt really bad and I was questioning God. In my heart I asked if he would send me a sign that he could hear me but right after I did I said never mind you are God you don't have to show me a thing.
Not ten minutes later I was listening to my Mp3 player in my parents room when I pass one of thier shevles on that shelf my eyes saw two Pennys. I broke down and cried
See my Aunt Nini told me a while ago that she read a book about pennies and how it changed the life of a girl so much and how it reminded the girl that God loves her. So she ( my Aunt) had been picking up pennies as well When she told me that it inspired me to do the same.
The pennies always seem to show up when I am having a hard time
So when my eyes saw not one but two pennies in the heart of Ukraine I was told that God heard me and he loved me.
I told Jess and becca what happend and Jess told me she'd seen those pennies several times and was suprised I hadn't
Thought you all would like to hear that
Ellen ( once again ) signing off

1 comment:

  1. Ellen,
    That is a great story and what a wonderful way that God encouraged your heart! I pray that pennies or whatever God does will always remind you of His love for you and that He is ALWAYS with you!
